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Crypto selection to make your payments (Payment Priority)
Crypto selection to make your payments (Payment Priority)
Hugo avatar
Written by Hugo
Updated over 3 months ago

You have the freedom to choose which crypto will be your preferred currency to use with your TruBit Card. The payment priority will be determined by you.

Here are the steps to set it up:

  1. Enter your TruBit App.

  2. Press the Card icon

  3. Select the Settings option

  4. Press on Payment priority.

  5. Set the Crypto you want to use for your transactions, press, hold and drag "=" up or down to set the asset payment priority.

  6. Confirm the setup with your Trade PIN.

  7. Ready! You have set the primary currency of your TruBit Card, which will be used automatically when making payments, as long as you have enough funds available in that crypto.

If you have questions regarding this information, please contact the TruBit Team via our chat channel or email us Here and we'll be in touch!

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