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Merger/Separation Mode
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Written by TruBit
Updated over 6 months ago

What is Separation?

When opening multiple positions in the same direction under the same margin and contract (currency pair), the positions will not be merged. Each position can have its own leverage setting, and the margin is shared if it's in cross margin mode.

TruBit Pro Contract Merger/Separation Mode

Separation Mode : After placing additional orders, positions in the same direction under the same margin and contract (currency pair) are displayed separately. The average price of the orders executed will be the average position price.

Merger Mode: After placing additional orders, positions in the same direction under the same margin and contract (currency pair) will be combined and displayed. The average position price is calculated based on the transaction price and quantity of each open order.

Mode Switching: If you need to switch between Merger/Separation mode, please ensure that you do not have any open positions or pending orders. If you do, please close the positions and cancel the orders before switching modes.


  1. In separation mode and under the same margin currency, the sum of open positions and ongoing open order quantities for each contract is limited to 20.

  2. In separation mode, when there are active orders or open positions in the current currency pair, the position mode cannot be modified. Active orders include current orders, planned orders, and stop-loss/take-profit orders.

  3. In separation mode, the leverage of each position is independent. After modifying the leverage, only the leverage for new positions will be affected, and the leverage for existing positions will remain unchanged.

  4. The leverage of existing positions cannot be modified.

  5. In cross margin mode, you can add funds to the contract account to increase margin and avoid liquidation. In isolated margin mode, you can add or reduce margin for individual positions.

  6. New users are set to use merger mode by default.

How to switch between Merger/Separation Mode

  1. Log in to the TruBit Pro App and enter the contract trading page

  2. Click the 'Cross/Merger' button to adjust trading mode

  3. Select 'Merger' or "Separation', and then click the confirmation button below.

If you have questions regarding this information, please contact the TruBit Team via our chat channel or email us Here and we'll be in touch!

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